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Here you will find a little bit of everything: travel logs and tips from the trips I have taken in addition to some lifestlye posts. I hope you enjoy following along with my journey and I would love you hear about yours! Please connect with me on social media and let me know what content you would like to see on the blog. Thanks for stopping by!



Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie. I am a twenty-something millennial just trying to figure out how exactly I am supposed to be an adult ( where is the guidebook?) It just always seems like everyone else has it under control. Well I am here to tell you I am no where close to having it figured out (or under control for that matter). What I do know is that I love life and I am trying to soak up every minute through adventures and experiences. I am not one for sitting still and I recently made my second cross-country move in less than a year.  

Millennials sometimes get a bad rap but I am a proud millennial who is just trying to live my life the best way I know how. I am happiest when I am traveling and try to take trips as often as possible. Being a millennial, I often approach travel differently than others. I don't think of travel only as a vacation but as a way of connecting me to the global community. Through my travels I have learned so much about myself and the world I live in. I know there is still so much to experience and learn which is why I am constantly seeking my next adventure. 

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